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Thread: Morning Prayer Over the PA

  1. #1
    Senior Member Kyle Coles's Avatar
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    Morning Prayer Over the PA

    Currently after the morning meeting there is the option to stay and say a prayer to start the day. I think this is great because it gives people who want to pray the option to say a prayer with others before the races start. There is also a Chapel service in the morning. I think this is also great, because it affords people who find going to church important the option to make both church and races on Sunday rather than having to choose one or the other.

    But, now the CMRA has started asking people to participate in a public prayer over the PA with the national anthem in the morning. I understand that people who are religious might not realize it, but it really alienates those of us who aren't religious and invites dirty looks, and potentially lectures etc., from those who are. When you stop and pray over the loud speaker it makes a public spectacle of "look who is not participating" and automatically puts me on the side of being the bad guy because I am going against what I am being asked to do over the loud speaker.

    As I stated above there is already the opportunity for prayer, church, and also the christian motorcycle association tent if that is something you want to learn more about. And I fully support all those things for the reasons I stated above. But the prayer over the PA is unnecessary, doesn't add anything that already isn't available, and seems deaf to the fact that in a club with over 500 members all those members aren't going to think and believe exactly alike.

    P.S. - This is not in response to Rab's post, I was planning on putting this on here already. But, I do think it is good at least he knows there are two of us

  2. #2
    Senior Member Alan Etheredge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Coles View Post
    .... But, I do think it is good at least he knows there are two of us
    Many more than two, and even some on "Staff".

    Thanks for your very tactful post.

    Now my 'take', if I may, as a non-Christian .....

    While I obviously don't participate in the PA Christian religious observance, I don't find it offensive nor do I suffer one whit of embarrassment or any other remotely awkward effect as a result of my non-participation. I do elect to respect those who pray with my silence during their practice.

    It has never happened to me but IF anyone were to, by word, glance or action, suggest that my "public spectacle of respectful obvious non-participation" were a problem of any sort ..... well, that'd earn no reply from me but certainly would be a reflection on that persons lack of tolerance and understanding, not mine.

    We all make choices that put us on the "inside" or the "outside" of many types of groups/associations/affiliations every moment of every day. After 65 years I've finally learned to roll with my choices and those of others, hopefully absent pride or malice and tolerant of the rest of the world that swirls around me (yes, there are limits, but the subject at hand doesn't even come close); try it, you might find contentment as I have.

    Do I prefer that prayer not be conducted over the PA? Sure. Does that preference rise to a level that I feel the need to voice an objection? No.

    There's no shortage of unfortunate controversy and forum fodder within our CMRA family of late. I might hope that we do not need to create yet another when the matter is truly one that can be avoided by a little tolerance and understanding. I might hope that one way or the other we all just 'roll with it' for 45 seconds each day and proceed to enjoy our mutual love of the Deities of Speed.

    ^^^ the above is NOT an 'official' CMRA response, just one individual member's ramblings ^^^

    PS - this is in response to Rab, Kyle and Keith's posts .... all three coincidentally being folks I happen to find pleasure in their company.
    Last edited by Alan Etheredge; 08-23-2017 at 12:17 AM.
    Alan Etheredge, Associate and Interested Observer ~2003-2019
    At-Track Registration Staff ~2003-2017; CMRA Administrator 2009.

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