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Thread: WTB: Ninja 400 race parts

  1. #1

    WTB: Ninja 400 race parts

    Looking for the following
    Please message me
    Forks with race internals or just race carts
    Race shock
    ABS delete
    Flashed ECU
    Flashtune flash kit
    HM Quick shifter
    Engine case covers
    Race brake lines
    Aftermarket full exhaust
    HM dash
    Steering damper/damper mount kit
    Slipper clutch
    Brake/Clutch levers
    Solo 2 mount
    Smog block off plates
    Cam chain tensioner
    Adjustable cam sprockets
    Steering stop
    415 Sprockets and chain
    Undercut tranny
    Fuel cap
    Pair valve eliminator
    Air filter
    Moto America restrictor plate
    Team Envy Racing CCS #800
    Racing Connection, LP USA, Moto-D, Bazzaz Performance, Cycle Gear, Alien Motion Batteries, Vortex Racing, Ballistic Apparel, Parts411

  2. #2
    Updated list to what I need

    Forks with race internals or just race carts
    Race shock
    ABS delete
    Flashed ECU
    HM Quick shifter
    Race brake lines
    HM dash
    Slipper clutch
    Brake/Clutch levers
    Solo 2 mount
    Cam chain tensioner
    Steering stop
    415 Sprockets and chain
    Undercut tranny
    Pair valve eliminator
    Team Envy Racing CCS #800
    Racing Connection, LP USA, Moto-D, Bazzaz Performance, Cycle Gear, Alien Motion Batteries, Vortex Racing, Ballistic Apparel, Parts411

  3. #3
    You selling any of the stock parts on the cheap?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Morales View Post
    You selling any of the stock parts on the cheap?
    If he isn't I have some OEM parts fro sale.
    What do you need?

  5. #5

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