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Thread: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

  1. #41
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    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Originally posted by NNNolden:
    Dave... I never said the safety wire was perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder (oil filter). While I admit that pulling in a 22 degree angle is not optimal, the perpendicular component is still worth 96 percent of the magnitude of the vector (safety wire), whatever that may be. I think 96 percent efficiency is acceptable in this case... </div></div>Well you said *something* about perpendicular, and that's close enough. Also, a 22 deg angle would give you 92.7% effectiveness, not 96, so you can easily see that that would be quite marginal. [img]/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif[/img]

    Okay, I have to say that seriously, that's pretty swell safety-wiring.
    David B.

  2. #42
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    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Originally posted by NNNolden:
    Dave... I never said the safety wire was perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder (oil filter). While I admit that pulling in a 22 degree angle is not optimal, the perpendicular component is still worth 96 percent of the magnitude of the vector (safety wire), whatever that may be. I think 96 percent efficiency is acceptable in this case... </div></div>Well you said *something* about perpendicular, and that's close enough. Also, a 22 deg angle would give you 92.7% effectiveness, not 96, so you can easily see that that would be quite marginal. [img]/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif[/img]

    Okay, I have to say that seriously, that's pretty swell safety-wiring.
    David B.

  3. #43

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Derek needs beer. [img]/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif[/img]

    My first time through tech, I was told that he (Kevin) would really like to see certain points wired (it was a personal preference)

    My second time through tech I think I got the comment of "Holy Crap, you must have 42 pounds of safety wire on that bike". That's embellished, I think there were only 15.

    My third time through tech they showed me points to mount to that would make it easy to see.

    I never had a bike bounce from tech.

    Simple rules I followed when wiring. If I thought it should be wired, it was. If I thought they wanted me to wire it, it was.

    You know what direction the bolt went in, so you know which direction tightens it. 1/4 to 1/2 around and wire in the direction that you screwed it in. That simple.

    I would recommend a drill press. it will save a lot of broken bits.

    if all else fails, ask. I've seen Derek and Kevin both pre tech bikes and go over what they want to see when it's on the block.

    If you think you will look stupid asking before hand, just think how stupid you will look when they send you back to your pit to fix something.

    It's about safety folks, hence the name of the wire. And they do take it seriously.
    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

  4. #44

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Derek needs beer. [img]/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif[/img]

    My first time through tech, I was told that he (Kevin) would really like to see certain points wired (it was a personal preference)

    My second time through tech I think I got the comment of "Holy Crap, you must have 42 pounds of safety wire on that bike". That's embellished, I think there were only 15.

    My third time through tech they showed me points to mount to that would make it easy to see.

    I never had a bike bounce from tech.

    Simple rules I followed when wiring. If I thought it should be wired, it was. If I thought they wanted me to wire it, it was.

    You know what direction the bolt went in, so you know which direction tightens it. 1/4 to 1/2 around and wire in the direction that you screwed it in. That simple.

    I would recommend a drill press. it will save a lot of broken bits.

    if all else fails, ask. I've seen Derek and Kevin both pre tech bikes and go over what they want to see when it's on the block.

    If you think you will look stupid asking before hand, just think how stupid you will look when they send you back to your pit to fix something.

    It's about safety folks, hence the name of the wire. And they do take it seriously.
    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

  5. #45

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Last year I secured my Oil Galley Plug with silicone glue, but I was told to safety wire it… it was a pain getting that thing safety wired, but I did it. No question asked. I have a new bike and was hoping someone can clarify how I should secure the Oil Galley Plug this year. I know the rule book says we can use silicone glue, but I think this rule was in place last year as well.

  6. #46

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Last year I secured my Oil Galley Plug with silicone glue, but I was told to safety wire it… it was a pain getting that thing safety wired, but I did it. No question asked. I have a new bike and was hoping someone can clarify how I should secure the Oil Galley Plug this year. I know the rule book says we can use silicone glue, but I think this rule was in place last year as well.

  7. #47

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    OK, no snide remarks

    The best way to drill this is to use a drill press with a jig. Go really slow and use a lubricating oil.

    Silicone is a ONE race fix to a problem found at the track, not a season long panacea.
    Derek Heaton
    Chief Technical Inspector/Grid Marshal (retired)

  8. #48

    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    OK, no snide remarks

    The best way to drill this is to use a drill press with a jig. Go really slow and use a lubricating oil.

    Silicone is a ONE race fix to a problem found at the track, not a season long panacea.
    Derek Heaton
    Chief Technical Inspector/Grid Marshal (retired)

  9. #49
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    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Taco Land, It's a Panacea!

    On the K&N topic, If it's done right it won't spin off. But, I'll do as I'm told like a good little
    Road &amp; Track Suspension
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  10. #50
    Senior Member
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    Re: Tech clarifications, oil filters and bellypans

    Taco Land, It's a Panacea!

    On the K&N topic, If it's done right it won't spin off. But, I'll do as I'm told like a good little
    Road &amp; Track Suspension
    CMRA BOD 2000-2003

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