Team Dallas Honda finishes the 2013 season 4th in MCE
, 11-10-2013 at 07:04 PM (17612 Views)
Team Dallas Honda finished the season 4th in Modern Classic in our first full season of endurance racing.
In our first attempt to compete a full endurance season we got quite an education.
My hat is off in tribute to the teams that endurance race year after year.
They make it look so easy !
We found not only does it take lot of team work to make it happen but when you factor in injuries, mechanical problems, scheduling conflicts, & personal issues they all take their toll making it difficult to compete in every BBE race.
We were able to race 5 out of the 6 races.
Race 5 had to be scrubbed due to scheduling conflicts & personal issues.
Starting with the MSRH race we rode our B bike, Old Faithful, because the A bike was down for an engine rebuild. Problems surfaced with the front brakes that lost us a few laps but we succesfully completed the race 4th MCE
For the 8 hour TWS race we practiced Friday with LSTD only to find the A bike's rebuilt engine had overheating problems. This forced us back on "Old Faithful" for the 8 hour which she carried us without a hitch.
After the long wait from March to April for the next endurance race we ventured to NOLA, short one team member out on medical. "Old Faithful" carried the 3 of us through the 6 hour without any mechanical problems even tho she was getting a bit tired.
The A bike was still down for repairs because I needed to work more overtime to get the funds to complete it.
Another couple of months passed until the 6 hour Cresson BBE race.
We asked Brian to join the team because Daisy was going to miss this race.
The A bike was ready for this one !
We had carefully broken in the motor & tested the bike.
The old 2003 Team O'Donnell / NW Honda bike, now renamed "Angelica", was ready to race!
Steve Upchurch built the motor and it is strong !
Roger built the suspension and it is sure footed and stable!
Larry suggested we name her Angelica because she is so sweet
Our riders were able to set some personal bests on Angelica at Cresson
With stiff competition in MCE we were able to finish 5th
As we all know, the September ECR race was canceled due to unsafe track conditions and moved to TWS the next weekend.
We tried our best to make the rescheduled TWS date but just could not make it happen due to scheduling and personal issues.
We decided to make the last race of the season at TWS a fun one for us because it was evident, after studying the points numbers, that any chance of improving our overall position in classification would not change.
Missing that one race put us too far out of points position for a shot at a 3rd place finish overall in MCE for 2013.
We had a good race with no crashes and no mechanicals.
This year's effort would not have been possible with out the help and support of our sponsors.
We would like to thank them for believing in us!
Dallas Honda, Silkolene, EBC Brakes, Lockhart Phillips, & GPR Stabilizers, Nick's Custom Detailing, and
We also had help from many other people associated with and promoting racing with the CMRA.
Your work, services, help, and advice are greatly appreciated.
Thank you !
David @ Island Racing/ Michelin Tires, Roger @ On Road Off Road Cycles, Marcus and Danny @ RPS Race Team, Jim @ Raceworx, Steve @ Racing Engine Services, Audry @ MotoLiberty, Ride Smart, LSTD, 3T, Ty Howard's One on One Lessons,,,,, P1 Racing, ECR, Motipia,
Last but not least the "Broke Backmarkers" for selling us their old endurance bike, "Old Faithful" also know as "Good Old Bessie", whose engine was built by North Texas Superbikes & Ryan Warren - she carried us thru the first 3 races of the season while the A bike was down for repairs
In closing we would like to thank all of the CMRA Staff for their selfless dedication to our club.
Without you all none of us could race !!
2013 Team Dallas Honda : Nick Chapman, Daisy DeSimone, Bill Klindworth, Brian Millsap, and Larry Wise
Also, We would like to wish our very own Daisy, Rainbox Sox, DeSimone the best of luck racing with G-Baby next endurance season !
You Go Girl !!!