
Type: Posts; User: Brandon McLean

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  1. Thanks Scott! I saw where the R3 is superstock...

    Thanks Scott! I saw where the R3 is superstock rules for that class, but just got thrown off by the wording of HH. This is a new class for me, and someone said I couldn't use one, but I just couldn't...
  2. Ultra light weight GP rules on quick shifters

    Can you run a quick shifter on a R3 in the ULW GP class?

    I didn't see anything specific in the rules, but thought I'd ask around.
  3. Replies

    If OEM tail light assemblies aren't legal.... Is...

    If OEM tail light assemblies aren't legal.... Is it ok to mount the after market light of choice like an OE tail light would mount? By that I mean flush mounted in the tail section at the very end of...
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