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Thread: Honda 20mm Engine Lock Nut Wrench

  1. #1

    Honda 20mm Engine Lock Nut Wrench

    Does anyone in the Houston area know where I can beg/borrow/steal a Honda 20mm Engine Lock Nut Wrench? (07VMA-MBB0100)

    - Rich

  2. #2

    Re: Honda 20mm Engine Lock Nut Wrench

    Where do you live? One of the CMRA sponsor shops would probably help out.
    Try Metric Motorcycles in the Heights, Motorcycles Unlimited on the north side, Whoopie's Cycles on the East side... can't think of any others off the top of my head.
    You're like a kid in a batman costume at think you're cute...and you think you're batman.
    -Author name withheld to protect the further embarrassment of the guilty

  3. #3
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    Re: Honda 20mm Engine Lock Nut Wrench

    If that is the castled socket you can make one

    I made one out of an old spark plug socket using a cut off tool & file (you could use a dremel tool with cutoff wheel)

    But the correct tool would work better
    Bill Klindworth
    68 Still kicking... just a bit slower #737

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