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Thread: Walter et al

  1. #11
    We've had nothing but positive experiences with Walter, Nancy, Steve, Alan, etc. In fact from my personal experience, they've gone out of there way to answer questions and be of assistance when they could. I can also say the same about my interactions with Linz. I've had no interactions at all with John, Jim, or some of the others.

    I can't say I've always agreed with the BOD's way of handling things, or each of their decisions, but I experience that same dynamic in most every aspect of my everyday life as well. It's impossible to make everyone happy with every decision.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Rodrigo DaCunha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ty Howard View Post
    It truly amazes me to see posts from members, that only joined in the last few years, tell the BoD and staff how wrong they are about everything they do. That would be like them telling me how to ride.
    No amount of years are appreciated, even if you've given almost 30 (ex: Linz) and you are"amazed" because members got upset? "Nevermind, it's always been a good ole boys club...but at least it seems y'all had the manners to not be so obvious about it"

  3. #13
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    The 'good ole boys' in this organization, are the members and racers! The BOD and staff are here to keep them in line and safe!!! They do a GREAT job !!! For us !!

  4. #14
    My hope is that everyone on all sides who have spoken up.. or not.. is just as willing when we are at the meeting.. face to face..I know I am... otherwose.. This is just a feeding frenzy for no real purpose.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Joe Lopez's Avatar
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    How'd this become a "sticky"?

    "They" probably accidentally made it one perhaps.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Allen Dye's Avatar
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    Thanks Joe and Rodrigo for squatting on a positive post.

    Our club appreciates all members including downers like you two and your thoughtful contributions.
    Allen Dye

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Allen Dye View Post
    Thanks Joe and Rodrigo for squatting on a positive post.
    Welcome to reality then.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Allen Dye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Hendricks View Post
    Welcome to reality then.
    It's nuts, isn't it? Someone posts up something positive about our club and recognizes some people for their contributions, and we have knuckleheads that feel the need to post something negative.

    Want to know who's really responsible for spoiling the club and tainting everyone's experience? Yep. Look no further than "downers". We don't have many, but man, they've got a lot of time, have access to the interwebs and can hunt and peck out some drivel more often than not.

    I'd challenge any of them to post up one positive thing they get from this club. Just one. If they can't, I'd ask them to seek some help as to why they hang out in a place that makes them miserable.
    Allen Dye

  9. #19
    Senior Member Michael Snyder's Avatar
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    well we almost made too lunch time without any bickering

  10. #20
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    Allen are ad hominem attacks positive or negative? Have your two posts in here contributed to the positive nature this thread started out with?

    My father taught me an important lesson when I was younger. He said that when my brothers tease me and bother me it's just for a reaction and if I "act like a tree" and don't give them that reaction they will stop and go about their way. The Internet is much of the same. If everyone just ignored the downers they would likely decrease the number of posts and would have kept this thread mostly positive. Instead we now have 7 posts or almost a 1/3 of this thread now not contributing to the original positivity of this thread.

    So I can not be a hypocrite, I haven't had much interaction with Walter but they few have just been meh(neither good nor bad). The board however have listened to my questions and gave me good reasoning for their actions. I didn't agree with one of them but I still got the attention and thoughtful consideration I deserved and so I left feeling like I was treated fairly and I appreciate the board for that. Nancy has put up with my stupid questions that I could have found the answer for myself and caught mistakes that I made to save me money. She always answers my emails and gives me confirmation that my paperwork was received.
    Last edited by David Adams11; 04-14-2016 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Another none contributing post was added while typing.

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